Our smart bins

We believe reTURNable must replace disposable
TURN’s smart bins are not your average trash cans. Fitted with digital technology that recognizes TURN cups and rejects unwanted trash, bins connect remotely to TURN’s API, enabling them to alert venue staff whenever they need emptying. This operator-friendly design is part of TURN’s ethos of focussing on practical solutions to sustainability challenges. As system designer Bjarke Ingels put it, “Sustainability can’t be some sort of moral sacrifice or political dilemma or philanthropic cause. It has to be a design challenge.”
Customise your bin
We believe reTURNable must replace disposable
Smart bins provide plenty of surface area for enterprise co-branding in high traffic, public spaces. TURN’s system provides highly visible and measurable sustainability benefits, so co-branding any part of the system offers a unique opportunity for enterprises to demonstrate their commitment to circularity and the elimination of single-use plastic. The simplest way for enterprises to get their message across on bins is to wrap the external panels. TURN can help with the details.